On Thursday, May 24 I am leading a teleconference seminar for the Jewish Teen Funders Network on "To Give and to Receive: A Look at the Delicate Relationships in Philanthropy" through the lens of Jewish texts. If you're not a part of the Jewish teen philanthropy universe but are interested in the topic, you can click here to sign up and get instructions for calling in.
Here are the handouts I'll be referring to. Some of them are copyrighted; those files here are just for personal use, and if you copy them for a group please acknowledge the authors:
Jewish texts:
Other articles:
- Rabbi Jonathan Spira-Savett, Sh'ma Oct. 2004: "Initiating Teens Into Activism"
- Excerpt from Dr. Robert Coles, The Call of Service
- Tracy Gary, "Evolution of a Donor"
- Charmie Gholson, NY Times Magazine January 2, 2005, "Charity Display?"