As a way to help people understand and make sense of Israel's war, I've started to pick out articles to recommend. I've been tracking things that are generally not simply opinion. More probing analysis, thoughtful moral reflection too. I'm gathering them via a Twitter feed, @tbarav, which you can follow via Twitter. Or you can find it on any of these pages on all the time, the feed is in the lower right if you scroll down. For other background, I have things I've written or gathered previously here too.
It is imperative to be well-informed -- bookmark Israeli papers such as Haaretz, Jerusalem Post, or Yediot Acharonot. Reach out by phone or any form of note to Israelis you know and let them know that you and our whole community is thinking about them. Come and be together here for an evening minyan or on Shabbat as we pray for Israel and for the lives of everyone involved in the conflict.
Shabbat Shalom -- May peace be more than a symbol or a hope,
Rabbi Jon
Posted by: Laura Hegfield | July 25, 2014 at 01:31 PM