An umbrella organization for the American Jewish community. The site has practical ideas as well as educational material.
Conservative Movement Shomrei Adamah Initiative
Three things synagogues can do to go green.
Connecticut Bar Mitzvah Student Helps Synagogue Install Solar Panels
New Hampshire Carbon Challenge
Answer questions about your current energy use. Then see how different kinds of changes would reduce the amount of money you spend on energy each year and the amount of carbon dioxide you emit into the atmosphere.
Earth Day Network Carbon Calculator
Answer questions about your lifestyle, and find out how many Earths would have to exist if every person on the planet were to live the way you do!
University of New Hampshire Office of Sustainability
UNH is home to an astounding array of initiatives and innovations. Explore them from this starting point.
Electric Cars -- Interview with Shai Agassi
Hear an Israeli entrepreneur describe his vision for an all-electric car world in a short time. Israel has already begun to implement his ideas.
Michael Pollan -- Where Does Your Food Come From?A funny and fascinating speech, based on his book The Omnivore's Dilemma.
This Lowell, Masschusetts company (with Eitan Zeira as one of its VPs) is developing a new generation of organic solar technology.
KOL Foods
Glatt kosher grass-fed meat, coming soon to our area!
The Regeneration Project
national network of people of faith working to reduce global warming
through energy efficiency, conservation, and greener energy sources.
In 29 states, there is an Interfaith Power and Light initiative, a
coalition of religious congregations and groups. I'm on the steering
committee to establish one in New Hampshire.
New Hampshire Climate Action Plan
Governor John Lynch commissioned this plan, which contains 67 recommendations toward the goal of reducing the emission of greenhouse gases to 80% of 1990 levels by 2025, and to 20% of 1990 levels by 2050.