Friday Night Melodies
Niggun before L'cha Dodi (Ana V'koach, but we sing just with la-la's)
L'cha Dodi from Craig Taubman
Mi Chamocha -- Click for a newish melody for us (Carlebach)
L'cha Dodi from Congregation Kol Haneshama in Yerushalayim
A couple of melodies to learn for the Learning Service hour on Shabbat mornings:
Kol ha-neshama -- Psalm 150
Kol ha-neshama t'halel Yah Hallelu-yah
(All breath praises God, Halleluyah/Praise God!)
Click here and scroll down to bottom of song clips for melody from Kol Haneshama in Jerusalem
Mah Gadlu -- from Psalm 92
Mah gadlu ma'asecha Yah (How great are Your creations/deeds, God)
Me'od amku mach'sh'vo'techa (Your thoughts are very deep)
Click here and scroll down to hear melody from B'nai Jeshurun in Manhattan