If you've found this particular post by web search or Facebook, you may be a new or recent Jewish graduate in the Boston area. Mazal tov! If you're still trying to figure out where to live after college, graduate school, or professional school, or are looking for a more affordable way to live near Boston -- this is an unabashed ad for Nashua, New Hampshire where we have a lovely Jewish community centered around Temple Beth Abraham. (If you're not a grad but know one, send this post along to her or him!)
Nashua is a small city right on the Massachusetts-New Hampshire border. Compared to places closer to Boston, New Hampshire has much lower costs for housing, as well as no state income or sales tax. We're only about half an hour by car from Rte 128, and on the weekend you can be in Concord, Newton, or Harvard Square in 45 minutes or less. The ocean and the mountains are within an hour, and there are terrific hiking, local produce and orchards right in the surrounding towns. Many people from here commute to the Boston area, even to downtown (there's a direct express bus).
And our Jewish community here is warm and haimish! We would love to welcome you here, even for a year or two. Save a little money, enjoy many invitations for Shabbat dinner, lend us your young Jewish energy and creativity! Our synagogue is made up of people from all over who have found a second family here. There are opportunities for all kinds of Jewish experiences -- services, yoga, Jewish study, speakers, Israeli dancing, arts and music, social action. I am even working on a series of podcasts you can download if you are commuting.
If you'd like to learn more, send a note to me or give a call to the synagogue (603-883-8184). If you're free, join us for an open house brunch on Sunday, June 28 -- let us know if you'd like to come. At 10 AM join me for an informal conversation to get acquainted and discuss the topic of "Finding Spirituality in the 21st Century." Or come between 11-1 for brunch to meet people and learn about the area, the community, and the synagogue. We can help you find a ride here, and if you're interested we'd love to host you for the Shabbat of June 26-27.
Rabbi Jon