What follows are a number of things to make it easier for anyone to make a Kosher for Passover home or lead a Seder, even if these are new to you!
Keeping kosher for Pesach is a ladder; you can climb a bit higher each year. Read about that, and find a list of foods requiring Kosher for Passover certification under the strictest standard.
Chametz is often explained as a symbol of haughtiness and arrogance, and matzah represents simplicity and humility. Read my sermon from 2009 on this theme.
The Essentials for a Seder
This is a list of the items within the Haggadah that are essential if you are leading a Seder. Around the essentials you can add your own ideas and discussions, rather than simply reading out loud the entire Haggada. Bring your own Haggadah to me and I will be happy to mark for you which are the "essential pages" in your book.
Click here for another list of great Seder ideas that you can add to if you like.
An Appreciation of the Hagaddah -- interview on WNYC radio with Jonathan Safran Foer and Nathan Englander, authors and creators of this year's New American Haggadah
Listen here, or contact the office or me to have these burned to an audio CD. You can learn the melodies before your Seder, or listen and sing-along to the recording at your Seder. The "Essentials" sheet indicates which track goes with which part of the Seder. Thanks to the many young people, minyan-makers, colleagues, Pesach University participants, and family members who recorded these tracks!
- Track 1: The Order of the Seder -- Kadesh U'rchatz
- Track 2: Kiddush for Pesach Evening
- Track 3: Ha Lachma Anya
- Track 4: The Four Questions
- Track 5: Avadim Hayinu
- Track 6: V'hi She-amdah
- Track 7: Dayenu (short)
- Track 8: Dayenu (beginning of complete)
- Track 9: Shlosha Dvarim Aylu B'Pesach
- Track 10: Btzeit Yisrael
- Track 11: Beginning of Birkat Hamazon
- Track 12: Hallelu/Hodu
- Track 13: Adir Hu
- Track 14: Echad Mi Yodea
More melodies from Cantor Ken Richmond and Rabbi Shira Shazeer -- including great section for families with young children
Dr. David Arnow, author of Creating Lively Passover Seders: A Sourcebook of Engaging Tales, Texts, and Activities -- see his website with excerpts from his book and information on how to order it